Sunday, July 5, 2009

New Series in the Book of Nehemiah

This morning I began preaching a series of messages from the Book of Nehemiah. The series is entitled: "Let us Rise and Build" from the text of Nehemiah 2:18. I thought that someone may enjoy this outline of the Book of Nehemiah.

Chapter 1- The Blessing of a Burden

Chapter 2-The Good Help of God's Hand

Chapter 3- Bringing Together by Building Together

Chapter 4- Perseverance amidst Problems

Chapter 5- Internal Troubles during Important Times

Chapter 6- Dealing with Distractions

Chapter 7- Watching over the Work

Chapter 8- The Working of God's Word

Chapter 9- The Reestablishing of a Right Relationship with God

Chapter 10- God's Word and our Works

Chapter 11- The Offering of Ourselves

Chapter 12- The Joy of a Job Well Done (from verses 43-47)

Chapter 13- The Sanctification of our Sanctuary

I hope that these might be a help. May the Lord bless each of you as you continue to serve him!

SPECIAL PRAYER REQUEST: Please remember to pray for our Vacation Bible School which begins Monday night (7-6-09). As of right now we have signed up 95 children. Please pray that God would speak to their hearts this week and that the Lord would use this to see parents saved.

1 comment:

  1. Good outline, brother. We pray that you have a great VBS. We are having our first next month.
