This morning I began preaching a series of messages from the Book of Nehemiah. The series is entitled: "Let us Rise and Build" from the text of Nehemiah 2:18. I thought that someone may enjoy this outline of the Book of Nehemiah.
Chapter 1- The Blessing of a Burden
Chapter 2-The Good Help of God's Hand
Chapter 3- Bringing Together by Building Together
Chapter 4- Perseverance amidst Problems
Chapter 5- Internal Troubles during Important Times
Chapter 6- Dealing with Distractions
Chapter 7- Watching over the Work
Chapter 8- The Working of God's Word
Chapter 9- The Reestablishing of a Right Relationship with God
Chapter 10- God's Word and our Works
Chapter 11- The Offering of Ourselves
Chapter 12- The Joy of a Job Well Done (from verses 43-47)
Chapter 13- The Sanctification of our Sanctuary
I hope that these might be a help. May the Lord bless each of you as you continue to serve him!
SPECIAL PRAYER REQUEST: Please remember to pray for our Vacation Bible School which begins Monday night (7-6-09). As of right now we have signed up 95 children. Please pray that God would speak to their hearts this week and that the Lord would use this to see parents saved.
Good outline, brother. We pray that you have a great VBS. We are having our first next month.